Chef Uyioghosa Ohiegbomwan

Chef At Home In Ojodu Berger
Chef Uyioghosa Ohiegbomwan

Get to know me better

I make life complete with good food through professional culinary services,making every moment special and remarkable.

I am a professional chef. I studied culinary arts at the hospitality business school and interned at Radisson hotel. I am into private chef services,Food delivery services, Breakfast services, Hor D’ Oeuvres, Cakes and treats etc

I make life complete with good food through professional culinary services.

Photo from Uyioghosa Ohiegbomwan

More about me

For me, cooking is...

What I always see myself enjoying.

I learned to cook at...

Hospitality Business School

A cooking secret...

Cooking every food with love.

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