Chef Pascal Ejiofor

Private Chef In Lagos
Chef Pascal Ejiofor

Get to know me better

I'm a well-traveled private chef blending psychology and culinary expertise to create diverse, unforgettable dishes from around the world.

I'm a passionate chef, with a very unique background that blends art, psychology, and cooking. My culinary journey has taken me across the globe, from my culinary programs in both Lagos and Nairobi. But I have also experienced diverse cuisines from country like Nigeria, Rwanda, Canada, England, and Kenya.

For me, cooking is not just a profession. It is a canvas for my creative expression. I find joy in crafting both fine dining and casual dishes that reflect my love for exploring local dishes.

Photo from Pascal Ejiofor

More about me

For me, cooking is...

Cooking is a blend of art and science. It's a medium I can use to express my creativity, and also be able to connect with different cultures.

I learned to cook at...

- Boma International Hospitality College in Nairobi, - Red Dish Chronicles in Lagos, - And other work experiences.

A cooking secret...

My deep knowledge of different cultures and their cuisines. Also, having lived in multiple countries and immersed in their traditions.

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