Chef Jequan Kippins

Chef At Home In Bridgetown
Chef Jequan Kippins

Get to know me better

I have a love and passion for cooking they is nothing else I would do Cooking is my life

I am a excellent chef who love nothing more than to cook

Every meal I cook is excellent and have a unique taste I am certain u would love it and will be wanting for more

I would cooking your favorite meal like never before and I am sure u would love it

I can also expand your knowledge about food u would taste dishes you have never taste before

Photo from Jequan Kippins

More about me

For me, cooking is...

For me cooking is the reason I wake up every day excited real the cook my next great dish The reason I breath

I learned to cook at...

I lean my cooking for my mom , from a award winning international chef From working at hotels and restaurants and teaching myself

A cooking secret...

The cooking every meal with love

Book your experience with Chef Jequan

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