Chef Dembele Djamcho Marie Thérèse Traoré

Chef At Home In Bamako
Chef Dembele Djamcho Marie Thérèse Traoré

Get to know me better

Passionate about cooking , I look for perfection in every dish

I have been a professional chef for 2 years, and I studied at cothm islamabad, and after 2024 I plan to do culinary studies again to deepen my knowledge,so I'm just a kid in the culinary arts and with it I will have more experience before embarking on a new challenge in the culinary world and being a chef is having the courage to learn, accepting criticism and showing respect for the kitchen

Photo from Dembele Djamcho Marie Thérèse Traoré

More about me

For me, cooking is...


I learned to cook at...

I was happy to learn culinary art and i was HAPPY to practice at in the restaurant and hôtel

A cooking secret...

Treating the Raw ingredients with care and enjoying cooking

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