Chef Omar El Ouahssoussi

Chef At Home In Edmonton
Chef Omar El Ouahssoussi

Get to know me better

I possess a strong skillset that aligns perfectly with your requirements. Throughout my career, I have honed my leadership skills

I possess a strong skillset that aligns perfectly with your requirements.

Throughout my career, I have honed my leadership skills by successfully managing multiple kitchens.

Throughout my career, I have honed my leadership skills by successfully managing multiple kitchens. I am adept at creating a positive and productive work environment, while ensuring smooth operations and meeting high culinary standards.

My passion for the culinary arts extends beyond leadership. I am a skilled chef with a deep understanding of complex dishes and a true passion for recipe creation.

Always keeping safety and hygiene at the forefront, I strive to consistently deliver exceptional and innovative culinary experiences for my guests.

Photo from Omar El Ouahssoussi

More about me

For me, cooking is...

Cooking is a creative and enjoyable activity that allows you to express yourself, experiment with flavors, and nourish yourself and others.

I learned to cook at...

Ihave extensive experience (11 years) in the field as a chef, a chef who adapts to all worlds, Curious by nature is interested in all the gastronomic

A cooking secret...

carried out with good products, creation of gourmet menus, organization of wedding parties, stock management, product quality control,

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  3. Omar El Ouahssoussi
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