Chef Mohanad Zarrouq

Personal Chef In Calgary
Chef Mohanad Zarrouq

Get to know me better

A master of flavors and a private chef for your daily meals and festive occasions!

With a passion for recreating recipes and a deep understanding of culinary techniques, I bring a wealth of knowledge to the table.

My culinary journey has taken me to the vibrant food scene of Bali, where I own a restaurant that has become a destination for food lovers from around the world.

Specializing in modern Middle Eastern cuisine, I combine traditional flavors with a contemporary twist, creating dishes that are both visually stunning and incredibly delicious.

My culinary style can be described as freestyle, as I love to experiment with ingredients, textures, and techniques to create unique and memorable dining experiences. Whether I'm recreating classic recipes or inventing new culinary masterpieces, my expertise and passion shine through in every dish I create. Join me on this gastronomic adventure and prepare to be amazed!

Photo from Mohanad Zarrouq

More about me

For me, cooking is...

A form of art that allows me to express my creativity, passion, and personality through food.

I learned to cook at...

Home while watching my mom cook, and it was a truly invaluable experience.

A cooking secret...

Is to think outside the box. By being open to new ideas and taking risks, l've discovered some of my most exciting and delicious creations.

My menus

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