Chef Kevin Bertram

Chef At Home In Montréal
Chef Kevin Bertram

Get to know me better

Navigating the balance between delicious food and health is where my specialty lies.

I am a passionate chef with over 25 years of professional cooking experience, including cooking privately for UHNW families, Michelin experience, and founding my own plant-based restaurant brand. Navigating the balance between delicious food and health is where my specialty lies. I combine my extensive experience in kitchens across the globe with a certification in Holistic Nutrition, which allows me to ensure an elevated, satisfying, and nutritious culinary experience.

Photo from Kevin Bertram

More about me

For me, cooking is...

A satiating creative endeavor.

I learned to cook at...

Many restaurants (including the Michelin starred “Dirt Candy”, and professional certifications in plant-based food and vegan desserts.

A cooking secret...

Fermentation for flavor and digestability. Think of a sourdough pizza dough, that’s puffy and full of flavor, but also easy to digest.

Book your experience with Chef Kevin

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  3. Kevin Bertram
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