Chef Élisa Tshinkenke

Chef At Home In Montréal
Chef Élisa Tshinkenke

Get to know me better

Passionate student cook looking to gain experience, and also experience the blissfulness of a great meal with you.

Cooking as always been my hobby. I was always interested in arts and languages, which I studied, but the kitchen has always been my true space. I love to create meals that satisfy, nutritiously and soulfully, satisfy. I started cooking school this year and feel ready to start sharing knowledge and experiences.

Photo from Élisa Tshinkenke

More about me

For me, cooking is...

A creative way of sharing love with others

I learned to cook at...

Home where it all started, but I entered Culinary school in Montreal in January 2024.

A cooking secret...

Get out of your head and try it, possibilities are infinite. Let me know if you would be interested in my services, we can discuss prices :)

Book your experience with Chef Élisa

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  1. Take a Chef
  2. Chefs in Canada
  3. Élisa Tshinkenke
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