Chef Coni Schiavo

Private Chef In Kitchener
Chef Coni Schiavo

Get to know me better

Hi there, My name is Coni and I am passionate about food and how it fuels our bodies. I enjoy breaking down macros and seeing how our bodies react

I have been in the culinary field for about 17 years now. I started learning more about nutrition during COVID, and have found a true passion with it. I love cooking over firewood, and still enjoy the many classical dishes I have learned over the years. Living an active lifestyle is a big part of my life, and I follow that with what I cook.

Photo from Coni Schiavo

More about me

For me, cooking is...

Fuel for our bodies. But also, it’s a connection we build with one another. It’s family, friendships, gatherings, and so many emotions.

I learned to cook at...

I learned to cook primarily from my mother. Food is a large component of my culture and my family.

A cooking secret...

Evolve. I feel that food is always changing and so I need to change and research constantly.

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