Hire a Private Chef at Home Today
Enjoy a customized culinary experience with a Private Chef in the comfort of your own home.

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There is no more intimate restaurant than your own home, where you can be at ease with the people you care for. Now, you can bring the magic of a fine dining restaurant to your table, through talented chefs who will tailor a menu to your cravings.
Turn your home into a restaurant and indulge yourself with a unique dining experience at home.

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We've curated the largest chefs portfolio worldwide, so you can have access to talented chefs with a passion for food and hospitality.

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582 menus personalized by our Private Chefs in Argentina
Every occasion is unique - make sure you have the right chef and menu for it!

Pineapple with goat cheese, cooked in the iron plank
Fried and oven-cooked meat empanadas
Pork bondiola brassed with black beer sandwiches
Black puddin wrapped with "piquillo" bell pepper
Brocoli cooked on direct fire with vermouth sauce and lemon confiture
Salmorejo (cold tomato soap with mimosa eggs and raw ham)
Garlic soap with cooked almonds and fruits
Full rib stack "a la cruz" (stacked in the cross)
Hanging rib eye cooked on fire dome
Full lamb cooked in the clay oven
Smoked lentil stew cooked in iron pot on direct fire
Plain cake burned in the iron plank with mustard cream and cooked strawberries
Rosted grapefruit with orange vermouth frozen granita and mascarpone cheese
Bombs filled with mustard and chantilly cream
Dulce de leche flambe crepes on direct fire
Chicken chilli
Butter chicken
Palak mashroom
Gulab jamun
Gajar halwa
Burruta con coulis de cherry asados y verdes
Raviolis de salmón con crema de puerro y langostinos
Grilled sea bass with sautéed asparagus, baby potatoes and saffron parmesan sauce
Rack de cordero con salsa de pimentón ahumado y papines asados al ajo
Blondie de chocolate blanco y sorbete de cereza
Tiramisu de limoncello
Tostón de tapenade y albahaca
Sopa crema de remolacha y tomate
Osobuco sobre polenta cremosa y vegetales asados
Triffle de frutos rojos, coco, helado de vainilla y frutos secos
Blini , cream cheese , salmon
Croquetas de langostinos, sweet chili
Croquetas de espinaca y queso brie mas alioli
Chicken fingers , mayonesa de hierbas
Pate de foie
Mollejas crocantes , pure de limon , papines y cebollas
Rack de cordero, mil hojas de papa , hongos , cebollas y salsa demi glace
Bondiola braseada, salsa agridulce , pure de batata , cebollas y puerros
Goulash de ternera , spatzles
Strudel de cordero , salsa de frutos rojos , terrina de papa ,hongos y chutney de manzana
Langostinos . ensalada de cus cus . criolla de mango, crocante de tomate
Creme brulee
Crema de limón, merengue crocante frutas y culis de frutos rojos
Nemesis de chocolate mas salsa inglesa
Pechugas de codorniz , salsa agridulce , salteado de echalotes y ajo
Blini , cream cheese , salmon
Croquetas de langostinos, sweet chili
Pate de foie
Langostinos . ensalada de cus cus . criolla de mango , crocante de tomate
Mollejas crocantes , pure de limon , papines y cebollas
Magret de pato
Rack de cordero, mil hojas de papa , hongos , cebollas y salsa demi glace
Goulash de ternera , spatzles
Creme brulee
Crema de limón, merengue crocante frutas y culis de frutos rojos
Nemesis de chocolate mas salsa inglesa
Tostón de hongos
Cous cous tibio con vegetales y salsa de yogurt
Cordero braseado
Torta húmeda de naranja y almendras
Sopa crema de calabaza, naranja y curry
Ensalada de langostinos
Trucha patagónica
Torta húmeda de chocolate con frutos del bosque
Personalize your menu
A romantic dinner or a gathering of friends. Traditional dishes or exotic flavours. A fine dining experience or a family-style meal. Every private chef experience is unique! Submit your request and personalize yours.

About us
Founded in 2012, Take a Chef began with a deep belief that the best of the culinary talent should not be kept hidden behind the thick walls of a restaurant's kitchen; it should be allowed to shine at the one place where everyone enjoys the most treasured meals- one's own dining table.

We're focused on creating a seamless booking experience to foster personalization and connection between chefs and guests.
We've curated a selection of chefs based on their expertise and passion to grant our guests access to every cuisine in the world.
We turn chefs into hosts to build meaningful connections with their guests, from the first message till the final toast.
Trusted by industry leaders
With the combination of technology, food knowledge, and love for the hospitality business, we have been able to offer the only global solution in the market to provide high-quality private chef services at any destination, at any given time.

Take a Chef in Argentina
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