Chef Fiona Imper
Koch Zu Hause In Schlattingen
As a homecook I do not bring experience in a professional workfield, but I do have a lot of knowledge and my own recipes from cooking for family and friends. I meal prep often for my family and I would love to do it for you too! I go by the rule of cooking until my dishes taste perfect to me, so don't worry about having to eat mediocre meals!

Mehr über mich
Kochen ist für mich...
For me, cooking is an expression of creativity through fresh and nutritious ingredients. It's learning about new cultures and exploring the world.
Ich habe kochen gelernt bei...
I learnt to cook by myself at home, through various cooking courses and meetups with friends, family members and grandmas!
Ein Kochgeheimnis...
Only serve your dish if you think it is perfect!
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