Chef Viktoria Treichl

Koch Zu Hause In Wörgl
Chef Viktoria Treichl

Lernen Sie mich besser kennen

Passionate about cooking and doing pastries.

I am a professional Chef with more than 11 years experiences. I made my apprenticeship in Austria/Tyrol where I am from. in the last few years i have traveled around the world to discover new things, to get to know different techniques, to get to know new food and to finally combine them into my own style.

Foto von Viktoria Treichl

Mehr über mich

Kochen ist für mich...

My passion, my lifestyle.

Ich habe kochen gelernt bei...

I was fortunate to do my apprenticeship as cook and waitress in a 4*S Hotel called Boeglerhof in Alpbach/Tyrol in Austria.

Ein Kochgeheimnis...

just enjoy what you are doing.

Meinungen zu Viktoria

13 dienstleistungen

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  1. Take a Chef
  2. Köche in Österreich
  3. Viktoria Treichl
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