Chef Rodrigo Concha Fuentes
Chef Privado En Palma
Trabaje en los mejores hoteles de la isla:
Hotel Melia Victoria palace.
Hotel Golf Santa Ponca.
Hotel Marriot Son Antem.
En la cadena de restaurante japonés Wasabi .
En el restaurante Country Club de tenis de Santa Ponca.
En villas y Yates de lujo.
En 2016 realize la carta de bodas y comuniones con Tomeu Candentey Estrella Michelin.
Actualmente soy el Chef de Carlos Segui.
A día de hoy trabajo con los mejores proveedores de la isla y Andalucía e internacionales.

Más sobre mí
Para mi la cocina es...
Simplemente el placer de ver disfrutar alas personas con los paladares más exquisitos y tradicionales.
Aprendí a cocinar en...
Mis viajes por el mundo probando comidas tradicionales y de mercado , en toda España y en los mejores hoteles y restaurantes de la isla.
Un secreto...
Trabajar con productos de temporada llevando la comida a una exquisita experiencia.
Mis menús
Antipasti de berenjenas asadas y huevos de codorniz
Antipasti de berenjenas en jamón ibérico con aceite de oliva y albahaca
Antipasti de calabacin y tomates secos con olivas negras
Brocheta de aguacate y cherry al pesto de albahaca
Brocheta de cherry y mozzarella al pesto de cilantro
Brocheta de cordero en salsa de yogurt y menta
Brocheta de gamba desvenada en salsa agridulce
Brocheta de pollo en salsa de coco y cacahuete
Brocheta de pulpo al pimenton y sal de escamas al limón
Brocheta de solomillo de ternera marinada en salsa teriyaki
Ceviche de corvina con aguacate , mango y cebolla morada con leche de tigre
Ceviche de gamba roja con aguacate rustico y verduras crujientes
Camembert frito con coulis de arándanos
Croquetas cremosas de bacalao confitado
Croquetas suaves de boletus y parmesano italiano
Hummus al aceite de sésamo asado con crujiente de plátano macho
Datil medjool con bacon ahumado en almendras tostadas
Coca de trampo ( al horno con tomates , pimientos , cebolletas y pimentón dulce)
Gaspacho de melon y pepino con guaricion de jamon iberico
Crema de pescado de roca con mariscos salteados y aromas anisados
Cous cous de aceitunas negras , rucula , champiñones, boniato y hiervas aromáticas al aroma de hierva buena
Crepe de espinacas con queso ricotta y salsa de calabaza con crujiente de puerros
Crepe de merluza y gambas con salsa de marisco y crujiente de puerros
Crepe de salmón marinado con queso crema alas finas hierbas
Crepe de pato confitado con brotes de soja y verduras asadas con salsa chili agridulce
Ensalada crapese con mozzarella de bufala al pesto de albahaca
Fajitas de pulpo asado con cilantro y salsa picante. ( o sin picante)
Fajitas de tiras de carne asada con aguacate y tomate
Fajitas de verduras asadas con guacamole y rucula y salsa thai
Frito de cordero asado con coliflor, cebolletas pimentón con hinojo y laurel
Frito marinero de gambas , pulpo y mejillones al hinojo fresco y patatas fritas
Gambones del Atlántico ala plancha con salsa thai
Mejillones al vapor con vino albariño y aioli casero
Sepia ala mallorquina en salsa de verduras y piñones asados
Wrap de carne mechada y guacamole
Wrap de pollo campero al chutney de mango
Wrap de gamba desvenada asada con aguacate y chalotas en mezclum
Arroz brut con conejo, pollo campero , costillas y butifarra y setas ala canela
Bacalao ala mallorquina con cebolletas asadas en cazuela de barro Gratinada al aioli
Caldereta de bogavante (typical majorcan lobster soup with seafood and roasted almonds)
Carrillera de cerdo ibérico con salsa aromática de pimientos asados con patato alas finas hierbas
Rollito crujiente de pato confitado con verduras wok en salsa agridulce
Rollitos de espinacas y piñones asados en queso camembert con salsa agridulce
Risotto de boletus , espárragos y bogavante con arroz arbóreo al vino Albariño y crujiente de parmesano
Risotto de boletus y espárragos al sauvignon blanc con crujiente de parmesano
Risotto negro de sepia y gambones con fumet de pescado de roca
Paella de bogavante , cigalas , mejillones sin concha, almejas, gambones con arroz bomba y fume de pescado de roca
Paella de gambas , cigalas , mejillones sin concha y almejas con fume de pescado de roca y arroz bomba
Paella mixta de pollo campero y cerdo con fume de verduras asadas , gambones del atlántico, almejas , mejillones y pimientos asados
Lubina a la plancha con setas de la muerte en tempura ,boniato asado y salsa al cava
Dorada ala mallorquina con acelgas y pasas al horno en patato salteado al romero
Lechona asada ala mallorquina con patato al Romero y Tumbet
Medallones de solomillo de ternera con patato al romero y trompetas de la muerte
Entrecot con patato alas finas hierbas y mantequilla de romero
Brownie de chocolate blanco y negro relleno de arándanos al mascarpone y helado de cheesecake
Carpaccio de piña y mango con sorbete de frambuesa y salsa de hierva buena
Cardenal de lloseta con bizcocho ala vainilla
Caipiroska de lima y vodka con azúcar Moreno y menta
Coca húmeda de albaricoques en crema de anís
Ensaimada de crema quemada con helado ala vainilla
Gato de almendras relleno de crema de almendras al baileys
Tiramisu toscano al baileys con mascarpone y Savoyardi alas especias
Pana cota con coulis de frutos rojos silvestres y salsa de menta
Mouse de albaricoque en bizcocho alas especias en salsa fresca de mango
Mouse de coco en texturas con base de frutos rojos confitados
Mojito de fresas marinado ala hierva buenas y Ron Barcelo
Tequila sunrise con zumo de naranja natural y granadina
Mini tarta húmeda de dulce de leche y cerezas confitadas
Ver el menú completo
Sauteed shrimp and Mahonés cheese crunchy ravioli
Semi cured cheese and fig marmalade crunchy ravioli
Sauteed artichoke trapizzinio with burrata and caramelized onion
Rucula trappizzinio and Iberian ham with ramillet tomatoes
Fried camembert cheese with blueberry coulis
Cod confit creamy croquettes
Iberian ham croquettes
Chicken with Casei croquettes
Boletus with parma cheese croquettes
Sea bream ceviche with crunchy vegetables (in a spoon)
Mejool date palm with smoked bakon and baked almonds
Raspberry and strawberry gazpacho with crunchy raspberry
Crab montadito with Philadelphia and micromezclum
Pig Wanton and wok made vegetables and ginger
Chicken Wanton and wok made vegetables and ginger
Shrimp Wanton and wok made vegetables and ginger
Sauteed vegetable Wanton with Gorgonzola cheese
Roasted king pranwns in Thai sauce
Beetroot gazpacho with advocado and cucumber
Antipasti : Roasted eggplant with quail eggs
Antipasti : Roasted eggplant, Iberian ham, olive oil and parcel
Antipasti : Cougette, dried tomatoes and black olives
Antipasti : Dried tomatoes, oregano and mini mozzarelas
Brochette : Cherri tomatoes and mozzarella with coriander pesto
Brochette : Lamb with mint and yoghourt sauce
Brochette : Shrimps with sweet-and-sour sauce
Brochette : Tempura battered shrimps with Thai sauce
Brochette : Octopuss with sweet paprika and lemon salt flakes
Brochette : Roasted chicken with coconut and peanut sauce
Brochette : Marinated in teriyaki beef tenderloin
Coca de trampó (typical baked majorcan salty pastry with tomatoes, peppers, onion and sweet paprika)
Three delights fried rice with bean sprouts, sweet corn and green beans
Jazmin rice at the lime scent with tofu, sweet corn and seasonal vegetables
Red shrimp ceviche with advocado and citrus
Cous cous with black olives, mushrooms, sweet potato, spring onion and peppermint
Hake and shrimp with shellfish sauce and crunchy leek creppe
Duck confit with bean sprouts, sauteed vegetables and sweet-and-sour chilli sauce creppe
Marinated Salmon with creamy cheese at the fine herbs creppe
Caprese salad with Buffala mozzarella at the basil pesto
Roasted octopus with coriander and apicy sauce fajitas (not spicy option)
Strips of roasted beef with advocado and tomatoes fajita
Roasted vegetables with guacamole, rucula and Thai sauce fajita
Frito marinero: fried shrimps, octopuss, mussels, fennel and potatoes
Hummus with sesame seeds with crunchy green plantain
Hummus with pico de gallo and endives
Steamed mussels with Albariño wine and homemade alioli
Stemed mussels with tomato and onion sauce with Albariño wine and black alioli
Iberian ham montadito (glass bread) with Mahones cheese and ramillet tomato
Roasted picanha montadito with peppers at the cheddar sauce
Iberian pork (secreto Ibérico) with confited pears
Nachos with three cheese sauce and roasted vegetables
Crunchy duck roll with vegetables at the wok in sweet-and-sour sauce
Spinach roll with roasted pine nuts in cammembert cheese and sweet-and-sour sauce
Majorcan style cuttlefish in vegetable and pine nut sauce
Roasted beef tacos with caramelized onion and guacamole
Marinated red tuna tartar with advocado and chive
Low temperature made beef wrap with guacamole
Fried lamb : with cauliflower, scallions, sweet paprika, fennel and bay leaf
Tumbet: typical majorcan style cooked vegetables
Shredded beef wrap with caramelized onion and guacamole
Free-range chicken wrap with mango chutney
Roasted shrimp wrap with shalots and mixed salad
Pink tomato stuffed with octopus, shrimps and cheese sauce
Mango and papaya tartar with cranberry sauce on an avocado base
Salmon tartar with honey and mustard sauce on a guacamole base
Spinach with ricotta cheese, pumpkin sauce and crunchy leek creppe
Small cod fillets with roasted peppers, garlic confit in virgin olive oil
Boletus Rissotto with asparagus at the sauvignon blanc with crunchy parmesan cheese
Roasted octopus in black mediterranean salt with violet potatoes at the sweet paprika
Majorcan style cod (grated with garlic mayonaise) with roasted vegetables
Grated cod with sweet paprika (spice)
Caldereta de bogavante (typical majorcan lobster soup with seafood and roasted almonds)
Wagyu ribs cooked at low temperature in Porto wine with cherry confit and duchess potatoes
Iberian pork cheek with roasted pepper sauce and patato (typical majorcan potato)
Sea bream majorcan style with roasted chard and raisins, and roasted potatoes (rosemary style)
Beef entrecote made with butter and thyme, and sweet potato puree
Roasted suckling pig with tumbet (majorcan style vegetable salad)
Grilled seabass with death mushrooms in tempura and roasted sweet potato and cava sauce
Medallions of beef steak with mille-feullle potatoe in mixed cheese sauce
Beef tenderloin in pepper sauce with sparragus, carrot, cougette and patato (typical majorcan potato)
Beef tenderloin in Porto wine with cherry confit sauce with and potatoe and pumpkin pie
Paella de bogavante (lobster) norway lobster, mussels and clam
Black and white chocolat brownie stuffed with mascarpone and candied cherries
Typical majorcan sponge cake filet with cream and meringue (Cardenal de LLoseta)
Pinaple and mango carpaccio with raspberry sorbet and peppermint sauce
Apricot Coca (typical sweet majorcan pastry)
Almond sponge cake with almond ice cream (typical majorcan)
Ensaimada with caramelized custard with vainilla ice cream
Coco and chocolate truffles duo with strawberry sauce and crunchy sesame
Mini black forest cake with candied cherries
Dulce de leche mini cake candied raspberry
Apricot mousse with spiced spoge cake with mango sauce
Coco mousse with candied red berries
Panna cotta with candied red berries and mint souse
Ensaimada pudding with caramelized brown sugar
Toscano tiramisu with baileys mascarpone
Caipiroska (vodka , lime juice and brow sugar)
Strawberry mojito (pepper mint and rum Barcelo)
Tequila sunrise (orange juce and grenadine)
Ver el menú completo
Antipasti : Cougette, dried tomatoes and black olives
Antipasti : Dried tomatoes, oregano and mini mozzarelas
Antipasti : Roasted eggplant, Iberian ham, olive oil and parcel
Beetroot gazpacho with advocado and cucumber
Brochette : Shrimps with sweet-and-sour sauce
Brochette : Lamb with mint and yoghourt sauce
Brochette : Marinated in teriyaki beef tenderloin
Brochette : Tempura battered shrimps with Thai sauce
Fried camembert cheese with blueberry coulis
Gazpacho: Strawberry and lime with crunchy raspberry
Cod confit creamy croquettes
Boletus with parma cheese croquettes
Croquettes: Roasted chicken with tomato Casei
Crab montadito with Philadelphia and micromezclum
Mejool date palm with smoked bakon and baked almonds
Free-range chicken wrap with mango chutney
Ceviche : Croaker fish with avocado, mango and purple onion with tiger milk
Ceviche: Red shrimp with advocado and citrus
Sea bream ceviche with crunchy vegetables
Tumbet: typical majorcan style cooked vegetables
Stemed mussels with tomato and onion sauce with Albariño wine and black alioli
Tartar: Mango and papaya with cranberry sauce on an avocado base
Tartar: Marinated red tuna tartar with advocado and chive
Tartar: Salmon tartar with honey and mustard sauce on a guacamole base
Caprese salad with Buffala mozzarella at the basil pesto
Roasted king pranwns in Thai sauce
Majorcan style cuttlefish in vegetable and pine nut sauce
Spinach roll with roasted pine nuts in cammembert cheese and sweet-and-sour sauce
Crunchy duck roll with vegetables at the wok in sweet-and-sour sauce
Wrap: Free-range chicken with mango chutney
Wrap: Low temperature made beef with guacamole
Wrap: Roasted shrimp with shalots and mixed salad
Wrap: Shredded beef with caramelized onion and guacamole
Hummus with sesame seeds with crunchy green plantain
Hummus with pico de gallo and endives
Cous cous, black olives, mushrooms, sweet potato, spring onion and peppermint
Jazmin rice at the lime scent with tofu, sweet corn and seasonal vegetables
Three delights fried rice with bean sprouts, sweet corn and green beans
Majorcan style cod (grated with garlic mayonaise) with roasted vegetables
Small cod fillets with roasted peppers, garlic confit in virgin olive oil
Grilled seabass with death mushrooms in tempura and roasted sweet potato and cava sauce
Sea bream majorcan style with roasted chard and raisins, and roasted potatoes (rosemary style)
Sea bass in salt and fire, roasted mashed potatoes and mallorca spices
Red Paella with Soller prawns , Menorca crayfish and red rock prawns
Black Paella with octopus, cuttlefish and squid with confit cod
Paella de bogavante (lobster) norway lobster, mussels and clam
Paella , Mixed seasonal vegetable,free-range chicken and pork tendorloin
Roasted suckling pig with tumbet (majorcan style vegetable salad)
Galician octupus with candied potatoes and sweet paprika
Caldereta de bogavante (typical majorcan lobster soup with seafood and roasted almonds)
Beef tenderloin in pepper sauce with sparragus, carrot, cougette and patato (typical majorcan potato)
Beef tenderloin in Porto wine with cherry confit sauce with and potatoe and pumpkin pie
Medallions of beef steak with mille-feullle potatoe in mixed cheese sauce
Grilled seafood and fish typical of Mallorca
Almond sponge cake with almond ice cream (typical majorcan)
Apricot Coca (typical sweet majorcan pastry)
Apricot mousse with spiced spoge cake with mango sauce
Black chocolat brownie stuffed with mascarpone and candied cherries
Typical majorcan sponge cake filet with cream and meringue (Cardenal de LLoseta)
Coco mousse with candied red berries
Dulce de leche mini cake candied raspberry
Ensaimada with caramelized custard with vainilla ice cream
Panna cotta with candied red berries and mint souse
Mini black forest cake with candied cherries
Toscano tiramisu with baileys mascarpone
Pinaple and mango carpaccio with raspberry sorbet and peppermint sauce
Tequila sunrise (orange juce and grenadine)
Strawberry mojito (pepper mint and rum Barcelo)
Caipiroska (vodka , lime juice and brow sugar)
Coco and chocolate truffles duo with strawberry sauce and crunchy sesame
Ver el menú completo
Antipasti de berenjenas asadas y huevos de codorniz
Antipasti de berenjenas en jamón ibérico con aceite de oliva y albahaca
Antipasti de calabacin y tomates secos con olivas negras
Brocheta de aguacate y cherry al pesto de albahaca
Brocheta de cherry y mozzarella al pesto de cilantro
Brocheta de cordero en salsa de yogurt y menta
Brocheta de gamba desvenada en salsa agridulce
Brocheta de pollo en salsa de coco y cacahuete
Brocheta de pulpo al pimenton y sal de escamas al limón
Brocheta de solomillo de ternera marinada en salsa teriyaki
Ceviche de corvina con aguacate , mango y cebolla morada con leche de tigre
Ceviche de gamba roja con aguacate rustico y verduras crujientes
Camembert frito con coulis de arándanos
Croquetas cremosas de bacalao confitado
Croquetas suaves de boletus y parmesano italiano
Hummus al aceite de sésamo asado con crujiente de plátano macho
Datil medjool con bacon ahumado en almendras tostadas
Coca de trampo ( al horno con tomates , pimientos , cebolletas y pimentón dulce)
Gaspacho de melon y pepino con guaricion de jamon iberico
Crema de pescado de roca con mariscos salteados y aromas anisados
Cous cous de aceitunas negras , rucula , champiñones, boniato y hiervas aromáticas al aroma de hierva buena
Crepe de espinacas con queso ricotta y salsa de calabaza con crujiente de puerros
Crepe de merluza y gambas con salsa de marisco y crujiente de puerros
Crepe de salmón marinado con queso crema alas finas hierbas
Crepe de pato confitado con brotes de soja y verduras asadas con salsa chili agridulce
Ensalada crapese con mozzarella de bufala al pesto de albahaca
Fajitas de pulpo asado con cilantro y salsa picante. ( o sin picante)
Fajitas de tiras de carne asada con aguacate y tomate
Fajitas de verduras asadas con guacamole y rucula y salsa thai
Frito de cordero asado con coliflor, cebolletas pimentón con hinojo y laurel
Frito marinero de gambas , pulpo y mejillones al hinojo fresco y patatas fritas
Gambones del Atlántico ala plancha con salsa thai
Mejillones al vapor con vino albariño y aioli casero
Sepia ala mallorquina en salsa de verduras y piñones asados
Wrap de carne mechada y guacamole
Wrap de pollo campero al chutney de mango
Wrap de gamba desvenada asada con aguacate y chalotas en mezclum
Arroz brut con conejo, pollo campero , costillas y butifarra y setas ala canela
Bacalao ala mallorquina con cebolletas asadas en cazuela de barro Gratinada al aioli
Caldereta de bogavante (typical majorcan lobster soup with seafood and roasted almonds)
Carrillera de cerdo ibérico con salsa aromática de pimientos asados con patato alas finas hierbas
Rollito crujiente de pato confitado con verduras wok en salsa agridulce
Rollitos de espinacas y piñones asados en queso camembert con salsa agridulce
Risotto de boletus , espárragos y bogavante con arroz arbóreo al vino Albariño y crujiente de parmesano
Risotto de boletus y espárragos al sauvignon blanc con crujiente de parmesano
Risotto negro de sepia y gambones con fumet de pescado de roca
Paella de bogavante , cigalas , mejillones sin concha, almejas, gambones con arroz bomba y fume de pescado de roca
Paella de gambas , cigalas , mejillones sin concha y almejas con fume de pescado de roca y arroz bomba
Paella mixta de pollo campero y cerdo con fume de verduras asadas , gambones del atlántico, almejas , mejillones y pimientos asados
Lubina a la plancha con setas de la muerte en tempura ,boniato asado y salsa al cava
Dorada ala mallorquina con acelgas y pasas al horno en patato salteado al romero
Lechona asada ala mallorquina con patato al Romero y Tumbet
Medallones de solomillo de ternera con patato al romero y trompetas de la muerte
Entrecot con patato alas finas hierbas y mantequilla de romero
Brownie de chocolate blanco y negro relleno de arándanos al mascarpone y helado de cheesecake
Carpaccio de piña y mango con sorbete de frambuesa y salsa de hierva buena
Cardenal de lloseta con bizcocho ala vainilla
Caipiroska de lima y vodka con azúcar Moreno y menta
Coca húmeda de albaricoques en crema de anís
Ensaimada de crema quemada con helado ala vainilla
Gato de almendras relleno de crema de almendras al baileys
Tiramisu toscano al baileys con mascarpone y Savoyardi alas especias
Pana cota con coulis de frutos rojos silvestres y salsa de menta
Mouse de albaricoque en bizcocho alas especias en salsa fresca de mango
Mouse de coco en texturas con base de frutos rojos confitados
Mojito de fresas marinado ala hierva buenas y Ron Barcelo
Tequila sunrise con zumo de naranja natural y granadina
Mini tarta húmeda de dulce de leche y cerezas confitadas
Ver el menú completo
Sauteed shrimp and Mahonés cheese crunchy ravioli
Semi cured cheese and fig marmalade crunchy ravioli
Sauteed artichoke trapizzinio with burrata and caramelized onion
Rucula trappizzinio and Iberian ham with ramillet tomatoes
Fried camembert cheese with blueberry coulis
Cod confit creamy croquettes
Iberian ham croquettes
Chicken with Casei croquettes
Boletus with parma cheese croquettes
Sea bream ceviche with crunchy vegetables (in a spoon)
Mejool date palm with smoked bakon and baked almonds
Raspberry and strawberry gazpacho with crunchy raspberry
Crab montadito with Philadelphia and micromezclum
Pig Wanton and wok made vegetables and ginger
Chicken Wanton and wok made vegetables and ginger
Shrimp Wanton and wok made vegetables and ginger
Sauteed vegetable Wanton with Gorgonzola cheese
Roasted king pranwns in Thai sauce
Beetroot gazpacho with advocado and cucumber
Antipasti : Roasted eggplant with quail eggs
Antipasti : Roasted eggplant, Iberian ham, olive oil and parcel
Antipasti : Cougette, dried tomatoes and black olives
Antipasti : Dried tomatoes, oregano and mini mozzarelas
Brochette : Cherri tomatoes and mozzarella with coriander pesto
Brochette : Lamb with mint and yoghourt sauce
Brochette : Shrimps with sweet-and-sour sauce
Brochette : Tempura battered shrimps with Thai sauce
Brochette : Octopuss with sweet paprika and lemon salt flakes
Brochette : Roasted chicken with coconut and peanut sauce
Brochette : Marinated in teriyaki beef tenderloin
Coca de trampó (typical baked majorcan salty pastry with tomatoes, peppers, onion and sweet paprika)
Three delights fried rice with bean sprouts, sweet corn and green beans
Jazmin rice at the lime scent with tofu, sweet corn and seasonal vegetables
Red shrimp ceviche with advocado and citrus
Cous cous with black olives, mushrooms, sweet potato, spring onion and peppermint
Hake and shrimp with shellfish sauce and crunchy leek creppe
Duck confit with bean sprouts, sauteed vegetables and sweet-and-sour chilli sauce creppe
Marinated Salmon with creamy cheese at the fine herbs creppe
Caprese salad with Buffala mozzarella at the basil pesto
Roasted octopus with coriander and apicy sauce fajitas (not spicy option)
Strips of roasted beef with advocado and tomatoes fajita
Roasted vegetables with guacamole, rucula and Thai sauce fajita
Frito marinero: fried shrimps, octopuss, mussels, fennel and potatoes
Hummus with sesame seeds with crunchy green plantain
Hummus with pico de gallo and endives
Steamed mussels with Albariño wine and homemade alioli
Stemed mussels with tomato and onion sauce with Albariño wine and black alioli
Iberian ham montadito (glass bread) with Mahones cheese and ramillet tomato
Roasted picanha montadito with peppers at the cheddar sauce
Iberian pork (secreto Ibérico) with confited pears
Nachos with three cheese sauce and roasted vegetables
Crunchy duck roll with vegetables at the wok in sweet-and-sour sauce
Spinach roll with roasted pine nuts in cammembert cheese and sweet-and-sour sauce
Majorcan style cuttlefish in vegetable and pine nut sauce
Roasted beef tacos with caramelized onion and guacamole
Marinated red tuna tartar with advocado and chive
Low temperature made beef wrap with guacamole
Fried lamb : with cauliflower, scallions, sweet paprika, fennel and bay leaf
Tumbet: typical majorcan style cooked vegetables
Shredded beef wrap with caramelized onion and guacamole
Free-range chicken wrap with mango chutney
Roasted shrimp wrap with shalots and mixed salad
Pink tomato stuffed with octopus, shrimps and cheese sauce
Mango and papaya tartar with cranberry sauce on an avocado base
Salmon tartar with honey and mustard sauce on a guacamole base
Spinach with ricotta cheese, pumpkin sauce and crunchy leek creppe
Small cod fillets with roasted peppers, garlic confit in virgin olive oil
Boletus Rissotto with asparagus at the sauvignon blanc with crunchy parmesan cheese
Roasted octopus in black mediterranean salt with violet potatoes at the sweet paprika
Majorcan style cod (grated with garlic mayonaise) with roasted vegetables
Grated cod with sweet paprika (spice)
Caldereta de bogavante (typical majorcan lobster soup with seafood and roasted almonds)
Wagyu ribs cooked at low temperature in Porto wine with cherry confit and duchess potatoes
Iberian pork cheek with roasted pepper sauce and patato (typical majorcan potato)
Sea bream majorcan style with roasted chard and raisins, and roasted potatoes (rosemary style)
Beef entrecote made with butter and thyme, and sweet potato puree
Roasted suckling pig with tumbet (majorcan style vegetable salad)
Grilled seabass with death mushrooms in tempura and roasted sweet potato and cava sauce
Medallions of beef steak with mille-feullle potatoe in mixed cheese sauce
Beef tenderloin in pepper sauce with sparragus, carrot, cougette and patato (typical majorcan potato)
Beef tenderloin in Porto wine with cherry confit sauce with and potatoe and pumpkin pie
Paella de bogavante (lobster) norway lobster, mussels and clam
Black and white chocolat brownie stuffed with mascarpone and candied cherries
Typical majorcan sponge cake filet with cream and meringue (Cardenal de LLoseta)
Pinaple and mango carpaccio with raspberry sorbet and peppermint sauce
Apricot Coca (typical sweet majorcan pastry)
Almond sponge cake with almond ice cream (typical majorcan)
Ensaimada with caramelized custard with vainilla ice cream
Coco and chocolate truffles duo with strawberry sauce and crunchy sesame
Mini black forest cake with candied cherries
Dulce de leche mini cake candied raspberry
Apricot mousse with spiced spoge cake with mango sauce
Coco mousse with candied red berries
Panna cotta with candied red berries and mint souse
Ensaimada pudding with caramelized brown sugar
Toscano tiramisu with baileys mascarpone
Caipiroska (vodka , lime juice and brow sugar)
Strawberry mojito (pepper mint and rum Barcelo)
Tequila sunrise (orange juce and grenadine)
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Antipasti : Cougette, dried tomatoes and black olives
Antipasti : Dried tomatoes, oregano and mini mozzarelas
Antipasti : Roasted eggplant, Iberian ham, olive oil and parcel
Beetroot gazpacho with advocado and cucumber
Brochette : Shrimps with sweet-and-sour sauce
Brochette : Lamb with mint and yoghourt sauce
Brochette : Marinated in teriyaki beef tenderloin
Brochette : Tempura battered shrimps with Thai sauce
Fried camembert cheese with blueberry coulis
Gazpacho: Strawberry and lime with crunchy raspberry
Cod confit creamy croquettes
Boletus with parma cheese croquettes
Croquettes: Roasted chicken with tomato Casei
Crab montadito with Philadelphia and micromezclum
Mejool date palm with smoked bakon and baked almonds
Free-range chicken wrap with mango chutney
Ceviche : Croaker fish with avocado, mango and purple onion with tiger milk
Ceviche: Red shrimp with advocado and citrus
Sea bream ceviche with crunchy vegetables
Tumbet: typical majorcan style cooked vegetables
Stemed mussels with tomato and onion sauce with Albariño wine and black alioli
Tartar: Mango and papaya with cranberry sauce on an avocado base
Tartar: Marinated red tuna tartar with advocado and chive
Tartar: Salmon tartar with honey and mustard sauce on a guacamole base
Caprese salad with Buffala mozzarella at the basil pesto
Roasted king pranwns in Thai sauce
Majorcan style cuttlefish in vegetable and pine nut sauce
Spinach roll with roasted pine nuts in cammembert cheese and sweet-and-sour sauce
Crunchy duck roll with vegetables at the wok in sweet-and-sour sauce
Wrap: Free-range chicken with mango chutney
Wrap: Low temperature made beef with guacamole
Wrap: Roasted shrimp with shalots and mixed salad
Wrap: Shredded beef with caramelized onion and guacamole
Hummus with sesame seeds with crunchy green plantain
Hummus with pico de gallo and endives
Cous cous, black olives, mushrooms, sweet potato, spring onion and peppermint
Jazmin rice at the lime scent with tofu, sweet corn and seasonal vegetables
Three delights fried rice with bean sprouts, sweet corn and green beans
Majorcan style cod (grated with garlic mayonaise) with roasted vegetables
Small cod fillets with roasted peppers, garlic confit in virgin olive oil
Grilled seabass with death mushrooms in tempura and roasted sweet potato and cava sauce
Sea bream majorcan style with roasted chard and raisins, and roasted potatoes (rosemary style)
Sea bass in salt and fire, roasted mashed potatoes and mallorca spices
Red Paella with Soller prawns , Menorca crayfish and red rock prawns
Black Paella with octopus, cuttlefish and squid with confit cod
Paella de bogavante (lobster) norway lobster, mussels and clam
Paella , Mixed seasonal vegetable,free-range chicken and pork tendorloin
Roasted suckling pig with tumbet (majorcan style vegetable salad)
Galician octupus with candied potatoes and sweet paprika
Caldereta de bogavante (typical majorcan lobster soup with seafood and roasted almonds)
Beef tenderloin in pepper sauce with sparragus, carrot, cougette and patato (typical majorcan potato)
Beef tenderloin in Porto wine with cherry confit sauce with and potatoe and pumpkin pie
Medallions of beef steak with mille-feullle potatoe in mixed cheese sauce
Grilled seafood and fish typical of Mallorca
Almond sponge cake with almond ice cream (typical majorcan)
Apricot Coca (typical sweet majorcan pastry)
Apricot mousse with spiced spoge cake with mango sauce
Black chocolat brownie stuffed with mascarpone and candied cherries
Typical majorcan sponge cake filet with cream and meringue (Cardenal de LLoseta)
Coco mousse with candied red berries
Dulce de leche mini cake candied raspberry
Ensaimada with caramelized custard with vainilla ice cream
Panna cotta with candied red berries and mint souse
Mini black forest cake with candied cherries
Toscano tiramisu with baileys mascarpone
Pinaple and mango carpaccio with raspberry sorbet and peppermint sauce
Tequila sunrise (orange juce and grenadine)
Strawberry mojito (pepper mint and rum Barcelo)
Caipiroska (vodka , lime juice and brow sugar)
Coco and chocolate truffles duo with strawberry sauce and crunchy sesame
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Antipasti de berenjenas asadas y huevos de codorniz
Antipasti de berenjenas en jamón ibérico con aceite de oliva y albahaca
Antipasti de calabacin y tomates secos con olivas negras
Brocheta de aguacate y cherry al pesto de albahaca
Brocheta de cherry y mozzarella al pesto de cilantro
Brocheta de cordero en salsa de yogurt y menta
Brocheta de gamba desvenada en salsa agridulce
Brocheta de pollo en salsa de coco y cacahuete
Brocheta de pulpo al pimenton y sal de escamas al limón
Brocheta de solomillo de ternera marinada en salsa teriyaki
Ceviche de corvina con aguacate , mango y cebolla morada con leche de tigre
Ceviche de gamba roja con aguacate rustico y verduras crujientes
Camembert frito con coulis de arándanos
Croquetas cremosas de bacalao confitado
Croquetas suaves de boletus y parmesano italiano
Hummus al aceite de sésamo asado con crujiente de plátano macho
Datil medjool con bacon ahumado en almendras tostadas
Coca de trampo ( al horno con tomates , pimientos , cebolletas y pimentón dulce)
Gaspacho de melon y pepino con guaricion de jamon iberico
Crema de pescado de roca con mariscos salteados y aromas anisados
Cous cous de aceitunas negras , rucula , champiñones, boniato y hiervas aromáticas al aroma de hierva buena
Crepe de espinacas con queso ricotta y salsa de calabaza con crujiente de puerros
Crepe de merluza y gambas con salsa de marisco y crujiente de puerros
Crepe de salmón marinado con queso crema alas finas hierbas
Crepe de pato confitado con brotes de soja y verduras asadas con salsa chili agridulce
Ensalada crapese con mozzarella de bufala al pesto de albahaca
Fajitas de pulpo asado con cilantro y salsa picante. ( o sin picante)
Fajitas de tiras de carne asada con aguacate y tomate
Fajitas de verduras asadas con guacamole y rucula y salsa thai
Frito de cordero asado con coliflor, cebolletas pimentón con hinojo y laurel
Frito marinero de gambas , pulpo y mejillones al hinojo fresco y patatas fritas
Gambones del Atlántico ala plancha con salsa thai
Mejillones al vapor con vino albariño y aioli casero
Sepia ala mallorquina en salsa de verduras y piñones asados
Wrap de carne mechada y guacamole
Wrap de pollo campero al chutney de mango
Wrap de gamba desvenada asada con aguacate y chalotas en mezclum
Arroz brut con conejo, pollo campero , costillas y butifarra y setas ala canela
Bacalao ala mallorquina con cebolletas asadas en cazuela de barro Gratinada al aioli
Caldereta de bogavante (typical majorcan lobster soup with seafood and roasted almonds)
Carrillera de cerdo ibérico con salsa aromática de pimientos asados con patato alas finas hierbas
Rollito crujiente de pato confitado con verduras wok en salsa agridulce
Rollitos de espinacas y piñones asados en queso camembert con salsa agridulce
Risotto de boletus , espárragos y bogavante con arroz arbóreo al vino Albariño y crujiente de parmesano
Risotto de boletus y espárragos al sauvignon blanc con crujiente de parmesano
Risotto negro de sepia y gambones con fumet de pescado de roca
Paella de bogavante , cigalas , mejillones sin concha, almejas, gambones con arroz bomba y fume de pescado de roca
Paella de gambas , cigalas , mejillones sin concha y almejas con fume de pescado de roca y arroz bomba
Paella mixta de pollo campero y cerdo con fume de verduras asadas , gambones del atlántico, almejas , mejillones y pimientos asados
Lubina a la plancha con setas de la muerte en tempura ,boniato asado y salsa al cava
Dorada ala mallorquina con acelgas y pasas al horno en patato salteado al romero
Lechona asada ala mallorquina con patato al Romero y Tumbet
Medallones de solomillo de ternera con patato al romero y trompetas de la muerte
Entrecot con patato alas finas hierbas y mantequilla de romero
Brownie de chocolate blanco y negro relleno de arándanos al mascarpone y helado de cheesecake
Carpaccio de piña y mango con sorbete de frambuesa y salsa de hierva buena
Cardenal de lloseta con bizcocho ala vainilla
Caipiroska de lima y vodka con azúcar Moreno y menta
Coca húmeda de albaricoques en crema de anís
Ensaimada de crema quemada con helado ala vainilla
Gato de almendras relleno de crema de almendras al baileys
Tiramisu toscano al baileys con mascarpone y Savoyardi alas especias
Pana cota con coulis de frutos rojos silvestres y salsa de menta
Mouse de albaricoque en bizcocho alas especias en salsa fresca de mango
Mouse de coco en texturas con base de frutos rojos confitados
Mojito de fresas marinado ala hierva buenas y Ron Barcelo
Tequila sunrise con zumo de naranja natural y granadina
Mini tarta húmeda de dulce de leche y cerezas confitadas
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