Chef Helio / Gaby Lucchetta

Chef A Domicilio En Barcelona
Chef Helio / Gaby Lucchetta

Conóceme mejor

A couple sharing their love for food & cooking with the world.

We are a couple passionate about cooking. We studied Technological Gastronomy (2013) at Senac Brazil .I learned to cook from a young age with my grandfather, who was Italian. In recent years, we have lived in various countries such as Brazil, Panama, Chile, and Spain, experiencing various flavors and cooking for friends and small groups.

Foto de Helio / Gaby Lucchetta

Más sobre mí

Para mi la cocina es...

Therapy, art, flavor and connections in a flawless kitchen.

Aprendí a cocinar en...

In restaurants such as Gracia Bar and Pizzaria Via Roma in Brazil, where we had different roles cooking & managing.

Un secreto...

High quality & fresh products exploring international cuisine flavors.

Mis menús

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  1. Take a Chef
  2. Chefs en España
  3. Helio / Gaby Lucchetta
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